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   Your Eden in the Rockies

Find out about our spa packages. Hand and Foot Care Massage Therapy, Treatments and Wraps Aphrodite's Salon has everything to make you feel like a god or goddess Visit our spa services page

[Spa Services] [Spa Packages] [Aphrodite's Salon] [Hand and Foot Care]

Paradise Garden Day Spa combines a tranquil and picturesque environment, with a highly trained, friendly staff and superb services to ensure you have a memorable and enjoyable spa experience.

Paradise Garden offers an array of spa treatments for the utmost in relaxation and rejuvenation as well as a variety of full-body and point-relaxation massage treatments, skincare, hydrotherapy and other spa services.

Enjoy one of our relaxing massages or spend the day relaxing in one of our two outdoor hot tubs in a luxurious garden setting.

To schedule an appointment phone:
1.970.555.7372 or dial EXT 7372 from your room

Page modified by Emily Wilson, February 15, 2008